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  • Innovation for Growth

    Helping you to work smart, not hard

Our Why

Africa has immense opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed by business leaders like yourself and your teams. If you believe that digital technologies could help you bring about greater value and impact, we are simply here to serve as your innovation and growth partner. 

We are here to provide you with world class solutions and services in a way that make sense for your organisation. We are driven by a vision of African Leaders of all demographics shaping a better tomorrow within their communities, country, continent and globally. 

We are about Technology Development (Tech Dev) for positive social and economic impact across the African continent and beyond.

Our History

For many years, we have supported hundreds of startups and SMEs on the continent. A number of which have gone on to enjoy significant success and bring about significant social and economic impact.

We have done this for and in conjunction with some notable organisations like Google, Gates Foundation and the World Bank amongst others. We have developed finance solutions, digital solutions, business strategies as well as facilitated connections and transactions worth millions. 

We decided to leverage this experience and directly work with business leaders like yourself to make your sensible and not so sensible visions of success a reality - in a timeous manner and avoiding costly common pitfalls.

Our Approach

We question everything

We do some research and analysis 

Then we sprinkle some of our experience and knowledge

Which gives rise to innovative concepts and solutions

We implement these into your business 

Resulting in changes to your operations 

Your ability to consistently act upon these will lead to a more sustainable businesses

Which delivers on your desired success metrics

Ultimately making your community and the world at large a better place
The method to our madness

Enough About Us

Tell us about your business objectives or challenges

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